Adventures of Nyasha · Life · Seasons

Facing your fears

I recently read an article about increasing productivity. Everything seems like stuff anyone should know already. Like wake up and set goals for the day, exercise, believe in yourself etc. All seem quite obvious right? Well not to everyone. Though one of the bullet points that stuck with me was about doing one thing a day that scares you. I thought about it for a moment and my initial reaction was…there is nothing that i can quite think of. Denial is wonderful is it not? Then i re-read the article and thought about how my life has progressed through the years. So much changes as we get older. Some people gain more and more confidence and do more daring things. Some have faced trials and setbacks that it is scary and hard to take risks. Some just retreat altogether to a place where no pain will touch them and in that stay stagnant for the rest of their lives. That alone is the biggest lie that ever was told.

Personally i am in between. There are things i will do like…i don’t know …move halfway across the world or country to be with someone i love. Start a conversation with a complete stranger. Or write something with deep personal information and share with people to read. The thought of writing this post scared me so much because i always wonder where the line is drawn when it comes to sharing personal info. My fear is when i share so much or so little then what do i have left for myself. Might not make sense to anyone, but it makes total sense to me. So as i was running this morning the more i thought about the article, the more i realized that i have somewhat lost that dare-devil part of me. Yes it is always good to take calculated and well thought out risks but there are things that hold us back from living the life we are meant to live.

We are afraid of the pain that we will endure during the next endeavor. We fear what our family or friends will say. The thought of getting out of our comfort zone is crippling. The fear of what society will say holds us back. The mere thought of trying something new even a food is just unthinkable. My point is this: you don’t have to take on a big project like bungee jumping to take on your fear of heights nor do you have to go on a tour of a foreign country to face your fear of the unknown, it all starts with the small things in our day to day life. You want to lose that extra 20lbs that hold you back from feeling confident? Start by small things like cutting back on your sugar intake, or start by replacing the amount of soda you drink with water. No need to go into the gym and workout like the muscle guy next door. Start by calling the mother you have not spoken with in years because of a stupid disagreement on why she weaned you at the age of 1 and not 2 like your baby brother (lol)

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